Social rehabilitation

Social rehabilitation


Adults aged 27 and over from the capital city of Prague, primarily from the territory of Prague 7 and neighbouring districts, with chronic mental illness or undergoing a psychological crisis. So we are dealing with
combination of people who may have a long-term experience of social isolation caused by the effects of /diagnosed/ illness, but also people who are experiencing a state of subjective mental discomfort and on whom social rehabilitation activities have a preventive effect.

The term chronic mental illness encompasses a range of mental disorders /from depression, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders to schizophrenia/, caused by various influences /reactions to a difficult life situation – e.g. long-term unemployment, social isolation, etc., use of psychoactive substances, physiological changes/.

Social rehabilitation services include both persons with experience of chronic mental illness diagnosed according to the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases, 1st Revision (FOO-F99), and those who are not diagnosed, but the impact of the situation makes them, or in the future may make them, dependent on the help of others.


MO – FRI: 10 AM – 12 PM / except public holidays /

WHERE YOU CAN FIND US ? / just ring the bell 🙂 /

Tusarova 1521/26, Praha 7 – Holešovice, 170 00


Our goals:

  • Our mission is to support people with mental illness to live a happy and self-sufficient life without social exclusion through a combination of professional support and cultural activities.
  • The aim of the service is a supported and socially integrated person who is able to deal independently with everyday life situations. The minimum goal of the cooperation is to stop the deterioration of the person’s adverse social situation. The optimum goal is to improve the person’s standard of living and social inclusion.

    Our principles:

we respect your choice
impartial approach 
individual support
team work

Activities according to Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on Social Services:
training of skills for coping with self-care, self-sufficiency and other activities   leading to social inclusion /with emphasis on skills necessary for official   basic orientation at the authorities, filling in forms, basic financial
 literacy, orientation and movement around the city, etc./,
facilitating contact with the social environment /training in PC work, modern
communication tools, simulation of social phenomena and training in various   situations    at work, at the doctor’s, in the family, in leisure activities, negotiation techniques, assertiveness, job interview, etc./, users also have the opportunity to  participate in other activities of the organisation.
educational, training and activation activities / art workshops, film screenings  film screenings followed by discussion, experiential installations with peer guides, listening to music,
encouraging self-expression/,
assistance in exercising rights, legitimate interests – in taking care of personal matters
  /e.g. completing or extending education, retraining and finding a job   employment, vocational assistance and dealing with housing emergencies, searching for  information on the client’s current situation – other professional assistance, etc./.


For our visitors we offer regular activities from MONDAY to FRIDAY.

WORKSHOP capacity is due to space LIMITED!


+ 420 601 354 623  

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