Workshops DUŠEHRAJ

Materials for school to download (in czech language)

1st and 2nd year: methodics, presentation, worksheet

3rd and 4th year: methodics, presentation, worksheet

5th and 6th year: methodics, presentation, worksheet 
for presentation, worksheet

7th and 8th year: methodics, presentation, worksheet 1
worksheet 2, worksheet 3, worksheet 4.



In May and June 2022, we held workshops at ZŠ Barrandov /Renoirova 648/29, 152 00 Prague 5-Hlubočepy/ and during these two months we were in each grade /1. – 9th grade/.

ZŠ and MŠ Barrandov, with which we are collaborating on the project, provides a comprehensive program of support and care for children with different language, which includes all children whose mother tongue is not Czech from kindergarten onwards.

They pay special attention to children who come to their school without any knowledge of the Czech language. In these cases, an adaptation coordinator is provided, who is available to the child-foreigner during classes for the first four weeks after he/she starts compulsory education. The adaptation coordinator provides the children with overall support, introduces the child to the normal course of the school, assists in teaching, accompanies the child during the entire school day. After this adaptation period, these children are enrolled in Czech language classes for foreigners, which takes place within the schedule.
There are currently 3 teachers dealing with overall care for children with different languages and one of the teachers is the main methodologist for teaching the Czech language to foreigners.

Due to the Russo-Ukrainian war – the elementary school now has a large increase in new students, children from Ukraine. A special class was set up for these kids, where they mainly learned the Czech language until the end of the 2021/2022 school year. From September 2022, they will be gradually integrated into their new main classes.

See photos from workshops:

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