Animation and special effects

Animation is widely used to create film tricks for live-action films. Nowadays, it is usually computer animation; before its discovery, filmmakers used traditional animation.

Traditional Animation in Live-Action Film

Here are some examples of the films you might have heard about:

Czech Films:

The Octopus from the Second Floor; Lucie, the Terror of the Street; The Visitors; The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians; or Karel Zeman’s films – Journey to the Prehistoric; The Invention for Destruction; and many more

Cartoon Animation

Stick, Stick, Start Beating (CZ) or Who Framed Roger Rabbit (USA)

  •  The period or realism focused on people and the depiction of unembellished reality

Stop-Motion Animation

American Films:

King Kong; The Adventures of Sinbad; Clash of the Titans; Star Wars; Terminator; Robocop

CG Animation in Live-Action Film

The most common technique used today for producing tricks in live-action films. Characters are either animated by hand or animated using Motion Capture techniques.

Czech Films:

Little Witch on a Broomstick; The Blacksmith from Woodham; Micimutr; Murderous Tales; and many more.

Foreign Films:

Harry Potter; Narnia; Hobbit; or any other superhero film or a sci-fi film you can think of.

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